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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 03-19-2013, 04:25 PM   #11302 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post
Has anyone here's parents divorced?

My mum and dad are threatening divorce n it has come up a few times recently, I don't know if they're just saying this or if it'll actually happen. I can't take the stress of constantly crying over them if they're going to stay together. It devastates me each time it comes up and I wish they would just make their mind up.

What was it like for you ?
There's no divorce in Ireland but my parents split up in about 1983. Was delighted to see the back of the old bastard. Nobody missed him, wife-beating ****ing peado that he was. Our lives improved immensely once he was gone; it was like a dark cloud lifted off us. We got our first video recorder(which he would never have in the house) and there was no more horse-racing all Saturday with us having to stay out of the house while he bet his ****ing 10p wagers.

Sorry. Not likely to reflect anyone else's situation, but that's how it was for us. My ma found it hard to cope on her own but she did, and we all did our best to help.

Kay, I hope things work out for you but if it happens I suppose all I can say is it's better for two people to be apart who no longer love each other than to pretend and stay together, unless there are young kids involved. Can you not talk to them about it?
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