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Old 03-20-2013, 06:51 PM   #4926 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post

I've tried both, but I don't know what they would be like in comparison to th drugs available to you.

I find cocaine pretty overrated, all it does is make you want more and the prices aren't worth the effects IMO.

MDMA was pretty similar to ecstasy except I found it more intense, it tastes disgusting tho. I love ecstasy so I can't knock MDMA at all, take it and enjoy the complete randomness that will follow.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens View Post
What's the comedown like on MDMA?

Did pills a few times and the comedowns made me stop, worst feeling ever.
Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post
I was taking ecstasy tablets earlier that night so I'm not sure if the comedown is the same or not. I think it is though.

I would prefer a comedown to a hangover these days, seriously. Comedowns are trippy, especially when you have been awake for 3 days.
Man, I don't envy you guys.
I was doing Ecstacy/MDMA back when it was the same f*cking thing.
Ecstasy was a street name for MDMA, which is just an abbreviation for the chemical structure of the drug called Ecstasy. (Methylene-Dioxy-Meth-Amphetamine)

There was a site I don't remember anymore that was up for a while, dunno if it is anymore, that used to accept mail-ins to have Ecstasy tested for purity/adulterants. It was completely anonymous, and the results were posted on the web. I remember it from the late '90s/early '00s. The most common adulterant back then, in Ecstasy pills, was caffeine. That's it. Apart from that, it was pure MDMA.
Every now and then it would be cut with something else or would just be chemically similar to MDMA, specifically MDA (which is nowhere near as euphoric), but the majority of it was straight up MDMA.

I was a pretty regular user from the late '90s all the way up to about 2003 when I joined the Army, but I was taking X there too as well, just very rarely. I noticed a BIG change when I was going back to the states on leave around 2006. I'd always get party favors and blow up for a night when I went home on leave, and suddenly it was impossible to find actual Ecstasy.
It was always a ****ty buzz and a horrid comedown.
After some research and discovering a different, more current pill reports website, seeing what these people were finding in their pills was WAYYY different.

Basically they started to be found to have small quantities of actual MDMA in them, and loaded with other stuff that became popular with the rise of research chemicals people were easily able to buy off the internet for cheap. In the UK, research chems were completely legal, and that's where the whole Mephedrone thing came from.
So when designer drug manufacturers realized they could start cutting their product with Piperazines other crap, and lessen the amount of MDMA they put in pills, they obviously saw that as an economic opportunity. MDMA isn't cheap to make or buy. Research chems already made present the better ROI.

So what we started to see was a shift of what was actually in "Ecstasy", and as new users came along, they no longer had a frame of reference. They were taking these highly adulterated pills that have a SIMILARITY to MDMA, yet they were still called "Ecstasy", so that's naturally what the drug turned into.

Now you have people referring to MDMA and Ecstasy separately, and it is completely the result of adulteration becoming the norm. And when these people actually get a hold of real MDMA, they obviously feel there is a big difference, when in all actuality, they're just taking real Ecstasy and not some crap that got thrown together because it's cheaper to produce, but nets the same return.

And in that way, we go from a really pure and awesome drug, to a sh*tty, crap-filled bathroom mixture of you-never-know-what, for the same amount of money, and for a fraction of the pleasure.

Like I said. I feel sorry for you guys.
Also, if you think you're getting straight up MDMA, you might want to invest in a test kit. They're available online for cheap. It's so easy to adulterate Molly (supposedly MDMA, although I've taken it several times and it was definitely not.), so if you're going to do drugs, at least know what the hell it is you're actually doing.
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