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Old 04-16-2013, 04:54 PM   #11 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: So-Cal
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Originally Posted by Blarobbarg View Post
Honestly, I could really use a girlfriend. At 21, never having had a serious relationship of any kind, I'm beyond ready. Unfortunately, I don't really have any "prospects" at the moment (except for one very, very slight potential, but I have serious doubts about that or if it would even work anyway)... I really don't have anything to contribute, it's just a bit frustrating.

Plus, my lifestyle isn't exactly normal for a 21 year old middle class American male. I live in Nicaragua for heaven's sake. And my favorite activities include eating at ethnic restaurants (or food trucks... or sketchy groceries), drinking copious amounts of exotic coffee, jamming for hours on end, reading by myself, and shopping at record stores and thrift stores. I go to the movies once or twice a year at the most, I don't drink, and I tend to not like huge parties. I feel like I need to move to somewhere with more hipsters like Portland or Seattle or something, I tend to get along better with the "freaks" than anyone else in my hometown. Maybe then I would finally find a girl who is weird enough to like me and share a few of my interests (who doesn't turn out to be horrible).
You seem like a totally cool guy man. I think your overthinking it a little too much. If your attracted to a girl make a move. Telling yourself it probably won't work before you even make an effort is never gonna get you anywhere. Granted i've never been to Costa Rica, but i'm sure there is a lil senorita there just waiting on somebody from Kentucky to make a move. I had that problem when I was younger, I didn't wanna break out of a comfort zone. Nothing will ever happen for you til you really want it to.
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