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Old 04-24-2013, 06:24 AM   #130 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by Yac View Post
Even though I know it's pointless...
What you fail to grasp is the fact that other people might not perceive this the way you do. What you fail to understand is that other people might have completely different experiences and views on these issues.
Her "insisting" is a part of her having her own opinion. And opinions are like .. armpits, everybody has them and they all stink, basically. You're waging a war on somebodys opinion you disagree with. She never claimed to be the bringer of universal, enlightened truths like you are.
I'm sorry if I come off as patronizing, but you seem to think you have the monopoly on being right and seem to think your personal views and opinions are universal. They're not.
Having said that, they're not better nor worse than anybody elses.
What you're doing here is a classic strawman, a common logical fallacy. You might not be doing that intentionally, most people don't. You take what Vanilla wrote about herself and blow it up to somehow be a general statement about women, and then you fight the strawman. You're using this strawman to bully your opponents into submission, with passive agressive comments and sarcasm. It's also a common tactic, used mostly by trolls (I'm not saying you're a troll, you don't have to be one to use their methods) and those too emotionally involved. Too involved to discuss important issues rationally. It's one of the basic weapons of a modern day politician, it's a very effective tactic, though personally I consider it ... well, evil.
Also I still don't know how in the world the original post is off topic ? You don't have to agree with the opinions presented there, but off topic ??
I'm not a native English speaker so some things might indeed go over my head, I accept that and don't feel bad about admitting it. The way I think and speak, it also needs to be translated and in my native Poland we're very blunt and to the point, we don't sugarcoat things, if that comes off as patronizing I apologize.
Except, as far as I know, you're not a woman, correct? So how can you presume to speak for those of us who are. Are other people not agreeing with me? Here's on topic for you, how about her post makes ME feel weird as if because I am into feminine things, there's something "not normal" about me? Because that's her definition. I have had issues with people deriding my femininity, as well as the people agreeing with me more than likely do. This is why I cannot stand for this. Most importantly, it is very offensive to assume that you know what it's like to be female, and I would appreciate it if you could just accept that it is not something you can speak with any authority on, and we can move on.

However, I do apologise for not taking into account that English is not your native language, this would be hard to note just by your posts (your English is excellent), I was needlessly rude.

Last edited by Sansa Stark; 04-24-2013 at 06:32 AM.
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