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Old 04-29-2013, 08:26 AM   #10 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Default Update for week ending April 28 2013

Apologies for the lateness of the update, but as some of you may have heard, I was without internet access for most of last week, so am way behind in just about every way. I had intended to read everyone's journals more thoroughly, to be able to give a better flavour of what everyone is writing about, but last week put the kibosh on that. However from this week I will do my best to keep up with everyone's writing. If anyone is planning anything special they would like to advertise, let me know and I'll include it in the update. If it becomes popular I may make a regular "Watch this space" or "Coming soon" feature out of it. Not surprisingly, I'll be pushing my own journal in this capacity, so don't miss the chance to let your readers know what you're planning --- provided you know, of course! I know some people just get drunk, stick on a funny hat and trust to luck (what do you mean, why am I wearing that funny hat --- hic!?) but anyone who is planning out sections or features can preview them here at their discretion.

Anyway, enough waffle (mmm... waffles!) from me, let's see what you've all been up to while I was staring at my monitor with "connection not found" blinking at me and screaming NO INTERNET! NO LIFE! NO HOPE! Okay, okay, I wasn't screaming, as such: it was more a high-pitched shriek...

The (one and only, accept no cheap imitations!) Batlord has been continuing his look at Electric Wizard's early incarnations, and also had a visit from Madball's lead singer, where they had, ah, a difference of opinion. He's still recovering. Read all about what happens in and while you're there, don't forget to check out his other journal where he's wrapping up his first foray into the world of Country with Steve Earle and moving on to the Pixies.

Continuing his dissection of prog rock, you really have to read, where Big Ears shows us all (yeah, me too!) how it's done with an almost scholarly appreciation of my favourite genre. I'll be reading this one avidly! He also throws in a review of a Budgie album, presumably just for fun!

Goofle11 is enthusing over Death Grips in --- and it's NOT "The money store"!!

There's a welcome return for Ki's lady after a brief absence, and in her jounral Ladyislingering is looking at those overlooked genius, Sparks. Personally I only know the one song, well, two, but if you're like me then she'll soon set you straight with an eclectic selection and some very funny videos!

Having found the pressure of reviewing albums he wasn't really interested in (we can't all be Jackhammer!) too much, Powerstars has ditched his original journal and in his new one, he's going to review the albums that he wants to. Good idea, man! Great to see his first review is one of my favourite bands, Bon Jovi's new one which, I must admit, I have yet to listen to. He seems to like it though, so the signs are good... nice review, Powerstars.

Looking back at some serious, PoorOldPo features Gong and the late great Syd Barret, definitely worth a look.

I may have missed his previous entry but Psychedub Dude is talking about his favourite funniest music videos and his top video game heroes this week, and is where you'll find his work.

I haven't listened to any of scleaves' music, but in his journal it's certainly provoking debate! Whether it's good or bad you can judge for yourself by checking it out...

There's some pretty psychedlic stuff being laid down in, and an interesting little side-discussion on Bob Seger, which I really must read once I get a chance. Screen13 seems to certainly have an eclectic and interesting varied musical taste, so he's fitting right in here.

Now, like I say I'm using the excuse that I was offline most of the week to explain why my journals have been so poorly updated, but though I've plenty of stuff written in advance and ready for publication, once I got back online I didn't want to bombard the friendly mods with fistfuls of entries, so this is the best I could do. In there's another section to my piece on Rory Gallagher, on there's another part to season one of Babylon 5, and I've managed to crowbar in an entry on too, where I'm reviewing another album by a band who are rapidly becoming my favourite Spanish metal band, Saratoga. Much more to come this week, I promise!

And once again Unknown Soldier leads us out, where takes us deep into 1975, with reviews of albums by Deep Purple, Sabbath, Montrose and Rainbow! NOW we're cookin' with gas!

And so on to our Showcase for this week.

It would seem only appropriate that, as he won the award for best journal 2012 (fume, fume!) I should point you in the direction of Janszoon's wonderful and creative, which has sadly slipped to the second page now, where it has no right to be, but it's finished now and journals that are no longer updated sadly slide down the pecking order. I'd like to propose a motion though that this be stickied either in the journals section, or, more appropriately, Editors Pick? Anyway, it's a stunning journal and well deserved its award (fume, fume!) so here I present just a small snippet from it, for those of you who have not yet read it, and for those who have, and want to re-read it. THIS is how it's done!

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post

25. Land of the Loops—Bundle of Joy (1996)

When you first hear the news that the Earth-Moon collision is imminent this will be a good album for you to turn to for solace. Its warm cocoon of somewhat trippy lo-fi beats will be a comforting thing to wrap yourself up in as you await your impending doom.

Released in 1996 by Boston-area loop dude Alan Sutherland, this little gem of an album has never really received the recognition it deserves in my personal opinion. This is great rainy day music, something fairly uncommon among turntablists and beatmakers in the mid-90s. That's not to say it's a downer by any means—it's actually pretty happy and upbeat—it's just that it's filled with that reassuring nesting feeling you get sitting inside with a cup of hot chocolate when it's crappy outside. And there's something so incredibly innocent about it, that's one of the album's big draws for me. It always seems to conjure up vague childhood memories of summer storms and coloring books.

It's appropriate that the one single released from this album was entitled "Multi-Family Garage Sale" because there's something about the aesthetic of this album that is very garage sale like. A sizable chunk of the samples, for example, seem to be from old children's records or in some cases maybe even actual old toys. And when Sutherland isn't kicking it pre-school he's grabbing some pretty random samples from all over the place—retro sci-fi sound effects, a snippet of Motorhead, wobbly old answering machine messages, you name it. All of this is mixed together with a decidedly indie sensibility that was very much at odds with other beat-oriented music of the same era.

While I was writing this review, what started off as sunny late spring morning has gotten dark and cloudy, threatening rain. I think that's my cue to put on Bundle of Joy and get out the coloring books.

(Video is "Multi family garage sale" by Land of the Loops)
And so, later than intended, that's the update for this week. Again, apologies for the lateness of the hour, but sometimes your path is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd, and there's nothing you can do about it. See you next Sunday at the proper time for the next update. Till then, keep writing (if you are) and don't feel shy about starting up if you feel you would like to.

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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