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Old 05-03-2013, 09:10 PM   #336 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
What on earth are you talking about?
Another illogical defense of the offended: tone policing and gaslighting
-see wikipedia

Also see:

Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
I taught your ass how to sew a button and this is how you repay me? **** you
a joke between two friends, a misunderstanding with other party, and a cleared up private matter.

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Rather than continuing to bite the heads off of people for addressing you with a name you were perfectly comfortable with for a very long time, maybe you should put a little note in your signature or something.
your inteference, attacking my reasonable dislike of a name, which is none of your ****ing business by attacking me over a joke. Cool tho rite? It's okay for you to troll cus I have no rights as a non mod?
It's okay for this?
Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Good to know, Paloma.
When I asked multiple times to not use this in reference to myself? Why, do I have to give reasons to you? Do you deserve to know that I don't like the name to be used in reference to me because it was a pet name from an abusive, controlling boyfriend who damaged me so badly that I still deal with the after effects in my everyday fucking life? To the point where every relationship I have is coloured by the claw marks he left in me? Why should I tell you that. You are not entitled to my pain. You have no voice on how I deal with it. You do however, as a moderator, have a duty not to contribute to something like this. So why is this okay for you to do? What entitles you to deprive me of a safe space in which I should be able to just say "don't call me that" rather than have to expose myself in such a way that I do not feel comfortable with just so my request is justified. You are meant to set and uphold a standard, not contribute to chaos. Good job on that one, you are truly a pillar of this community.

And another time:
Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
Wow, bummer
In the thread about Howard, since this is truly the sincerest condolence I could offer without actually expressing my dislike of him, yet also believing that should I not acknowledge the tragic loss as a regular member of this community, it would be a mean thing. When it was assumed I was not compassionate over the matter due to my succinct and unemotional yet no less sincere response (jokingly might I add), I asked if it was the appropriate time to joke about my response and you responded to this.

Your reaction:
Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Yes, when someone may have died, it is the appropriate time to be compassionate ffs.
Hmm, this is okay how? You insult me because you don't understand, but this is okay. You don't get any reprimand because you're a mod, but rather commendation on how awesome!11! you are as a human being. Mistress pls.

So, now, we have someone expressing an opinion that is factually ridiculous, and as a white person who does love the Beatles and often does do Beatles singalongs with other white people, I don't find this offensive. It's so stupid it's hilarious. Anyone with a lick of sense would see that rather than be offended by it, because what's offensive about being called a white person? You are white, so why are you offended by something that you know is wrong? You'd laugh if it was "black people really love fried chicken", probably. Or if not, you'd never say "hey that's racist, you aren't really qualified to make this assumption or laugh at this presumption since you are unaware of the bigotry & oppressive power that this assumption reinforces" or you just ignore it all together, rather than rock the boat. That's just as bad.

And I'm sure you're going to whine about how I'm just an overdramatic bitch like everyone else, since, you know this happened more than once before when I dared to assert my right to have an opinion that was not very popular in the open on a platform ruled by corrupted tyrants who assert that they use their "best judgment" on everything. So please, tell me why I'm not allowed to express my opinion?
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