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Old 05-11-2013, 08:34 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default McCartney (1970)

Year: 1970
Genre: Classic Rock

Ah yes, I remember when I got this album. I was really into The Beatles. My mom had bought a turntable. I was excited, because I could listen to more albums this way and my mom already had a collection. She went to a garage sale and found this album, among one by Ringo Starr and one by Wings. I was so excited to play the album...and then I found the phonograph didn't work because it needed speakers which we still have yet to get. This happened like last year.

But, never one to be discoraged, I brought the album to my Grandpa's house and listened to it with my aunt. I was surprised to discover how experimental it was. I've been looking for an album to review lately, but it's been right in front of me all along. Review this one.

1970 was a dark time for The Beatles. There were creative issues more than ever before and they officially broke up. Paul was peeved off when Phil Spector remixed Let It Be, particularly "The Long And Winding Road." He officially announced the Beatles breakup and recorded an album with no help from anyone except his wife. This would explore the "back to basics" approach Let It Be was meant to have, but it was a ton more experimental. Aside from that one well-known gem (Maybe I'm Amazed), how does this album stack up?

1. The Lovely Linda
Very obviously in an unfinished form, it's a decent song. I wish it was more than just a demo though, for then, we could have a great little opening track. It's still a catchy "song" though.

2. That Would Be Something
First finished song on the album, it's more what I would expect from Sir Paul. A catchy little ballad, it's a pretty decent song. I like it. I particularly like where Paul beatboxes along to the drums.

3. Valentine Day
A more rocking, still acousticish song. It's a cool little instrumental demo, and I don't really mind it being a demo, I'm starting to appreciate the tone of the album.

4. Every Night
Oooooh! This is awesome! A more commercial song. This album really does have quite the acoustic twang to it. This song alone could prove it. One of the catchier songs to break up the experimenting.

5. Hot As Sunglasses
Sounds like almost like an acoustic version of The Beatles' song "Flying." It's fairly folkish, but the twang really stops it from being spacey like it should be. The only spacey thing is the keyboard and the ending with a bit of the then unreleased "Suicide". It's okay, though, just forgettable.

6. Junk
My personal favorite song on the album. It's such a simple, catchy tune. A demo left over from The White Album sessions, it would have fit there perfectly. I can't get enough of this song.

7. Man We Was Lonely
The panning on the intro is really cool. I dig it. Other than that, it may be the most county song Paul's done with the possible exception of "Dance Tonight"

8. Oo You
More electric than all the previous songs. I really like it. It has a lot of great percussion, but unfortunately, I must say it is forgettable, as it was one that I did not remember after listening to it, while a lot of others stuck in my head.

9. Momma Miss America
Drums, bass, and wah-wah guitar. I didn't like it much on the first listen, but it's really grown on me listening to it again. It's funkyish, hardish, rockish stuff. One complaint, it repeats itself too much for an instrumental.

10. Teddy Boy
Good stuff, although I prefer the Beatles version. It's a really good song, very simple, very diggable, very catchy.

11. Singalong Junk
Ugh, maybe I can get enough of this song. Why include an instrumental version with more instruments? I don't understand.

12. Maybe I'm Amazed
The classic ballad that everyone knows and loves. Made popular by Wings in 1976, though the studio version is the one we hear the most now. I dig the screaming Paul does, and the backing vocals are superb. Not much I can say that hasn't already been said.

13. Kreen-Akrore
Cool drums at the beginning. They do go on a bit long, but that's alright, they have variety. The vocal part after that is cool, but one of the most noticeable voices isn't really that interested in doing it. Then more drums. Then finally, we close off the album with almost a reprise to Maybe I'm Amazed. K, that was definitely the most experimental thing Paul's ever done.

Conclusion: Pretty good album with gems, but some of the experimental things don't really do it for me. They're either too short or too long.

FINAL SCORE: 77/100 (Great, but flawed)
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Last edited by Powerstars; 05-17-2013 at 04:01 PM.
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