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Old 05-17-2013, 04:07 PM   #27 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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Originally Posted by katsy View Post
I don't think that raising a concern about genetically modified food is on par with causing mass hysteria. And you are incorrect about people continuing to eat them, if they knew. Why do you think they do not label gmo's here in the US? If they did, people would be more apt to buy something not bio-engineered.

But if you have a phd in biology or are some authority on food safety in any way(that's what I have asked Duga specifically), I would be happy to listen to your expert opinion. Hell, if you could even point me in the direction of a study of the long term effects of gmo's I would be all for it. Especially, being I am a mom of a kid with severe allergies that seem to be aggravated by certain foods. And since the allergen effect of gmos are not yet identified, not that I am aware of, I'm going to be concerned.
We live in an educated enough period of time where people are capable of making their own decisions regarding lifestyle and dietary choices, we're aware of what is healthy or unhealthy for us. The majority, don't seem to care. Look at the growing levels of obesity especially in the young.

You're not going to label your products with breakdowns of compounds on them, the last thing you want to do is alienate the consumer with jargon and scientific terms. When they started labelling saturated fats of foods it threw enough people into a state of confusion (Maybe I'll take back the comment about living in an educated day and age) so from a marketing perspective it's simpler to keep things basic. You want a pack of low budget sausages, slap the word 'sausages' and a picture of a smiling pig, it'll sell more than a complex breakdown of gmos.

Also, they're not listed because the food companies are under no obligation to do so. For the minority, like yourself who do read into these things, you're going to be put off the product. From a business perspective, the section of the market is being alienated. Best to keep it to a need-to-know basis.

As I said I could pluck some form of research off the internet that warns of the hazards of just about every food group out there.
Here's another 8 things you can add to your avoidance list for example.

Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

I just think as a society we read far too much into these things. Food goes through quality control, and if was actually dangerous, it would not be allowed to make it to retailers. These articles are designed to cause panic (just look at the abomination of a comment section in that article I linked) and they target the white middle class to make them buy organic products at an increased price.
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