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Old 05-21-2013, 08:55 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Before I begin with this next feature, I have to stress the importance of the following statement:

I love Marc Bolan. I adore him for everything he was. It hurts a little, and my heart aches when I think of how his life ended. He was completely adorable, full of himself, believed in what he wanted in this world, and wouldn't settle for anything less. He is someone to be admired.

Glam is often dismissed as "silly" in all its flamboyance, but Marc Bolan was glam rock. He was the two-penny prince, and I absolutely love his fabulous little soul.

Spoiler for Questionable content to follow:
Furthermore, had I been given the chance, and had I been alive at the right time, I definitely would have fucked him.

Here's the promised T. Rex feature.

This song will always remind me of my first time borrowing a rental car - I took it to the airport, and drove past 40 miles of cows and trees.

Marc's on backing vocals here - he spent a little time with this group in the late 60s. Ki and I had a stray cat named Desdemona Delilah. Or, simply, Desi D.

John's Children - "Desdemona"

Lift up your skirt and fly.

Andy Ellison was also a part of John's Children; he later went on to play with Radio Stars, with ex-Sparks bassist Martin Gordon. Marc later invited Radio Stars to his TV program in the late 70s.

Now here's Marc with Steve Peregrin Took - T. Rex was once Tyrannosaurus Rex, a folk duo.

Tyrannosaurus Rex - "Debora"

Spoiler for La la la la la la:

You can hear Marc speak here in this bootleg. He had a delicate speaking voice that makes me weak in the knees.

"Mustang Ford"

Spoiler for "It's all put together with alligator leather...":

"Chariots of Silk"

Spoiler for So pretty.:

Along came Mickey Finn (who met his demise in 2003 after a lifelong struggle with alcoholism) and this happened ...

"Lofty Skies"

Spoiler for "We kissed and cried.":


Spoiler for More prettiness.:

"Seagull Woman"

Spoiler for "One day we changed from children, into people.":

Their sound began to change in the early 70s.

"Ride a White Swan"

Spoiler for "Wear your hair long, babe, you can't go wrong.":

1971 brought us the T. Rex record that everyone and their mother knows. "Electric Warrior" ... which brought us the song that everyone knows. You know the one.

"Get it On" (ToTP)

Spoiler for "You got the teeth of the hydra upon you..":

One of my personal favorites from this album -

"Mambo Sun"

Spoiler for Proper bedroom music.:

And another -

"Planet Queen"

Spoiler for "Flying saucer, take me away - give me your daughter!":

Then, in '72, another popular T. Rex record was released. Let us not forget this next track, which was released only as a single, but kicks ass.

"20th Century Boy"

Spoiler for Seriously.:

This next song also suffered the same fate.

"Children of the Revolution"

Spoiler for "I drive a Rolls Royce, 'cause it's good for my voice!":

Marc Bolan never drove a Rolls Royce. He never drove anything, because he was terrified of dying in a car. (Much like myself - except, unlike Marc, I've had a license, and I drive every once in a while despite my fears.)

Speaking of cars...


Spoiler for "There's a shadow in my basement, and I'm scared to sleep alone!":

"Buick MacKane"

Spoiler for Super groovy.:

And if you don't feel like a super badass listening to this, I don't think we're listening to the same song.

"Chariot Choogle"

Spoiler for Super cheesy "yehhh" sounds!:

Mark Volman of The Turtles sang backup on many tracks from "The Slider". If that isn't the most badass thing you've ever heard, get out of here. Seriously. Just go.

Last two from "The Slider" that I really really dig -

"Baby Strange"

Spoiler for "I wanna call ya - I wanna ball ya" - how charming.:

"Telegram Sam"

Spoiler for "Youuuuu are my main man!" ;D:

"Tanx" (1973) was kind of a disaster (as well as the albums that followed, up to 1977...) thanks to a host of illicit substances (mostly cocaine) that were swimming through Marc's fine little self. So I think we'll just skip that whole thing for now and go right into this great track from "Dandy in the Underworld". Its title track.

Marc got his act together and had a child with Gloria Jones in '77. He had his own show, too.

Marc passed away in a car accident a couple weeks before his 30th birthday, on September 16th, 1977. He left behind his wife, Gloria, and his newborn son, Rolan.

Here's a photo of David Bowie being restrained by a couple friends after being harassed by the press at Marc's funeral. The two were very close friends.

There's a lot more that could have been added to this post, but I'm in a time crunch, and I would much rather inspire others to do a little digging of their own, and to fall in love with T. Rex on their own time.

By the way, I almost forgot to roll out my Song of the Day for 05/21/2013 -

This one's for Ki. Happy birthday tomorrow, sweetie.

The Beatles - "I'm Happy Just to Dance With You"

Next time: Who the hell knows?
You and I,
We were born to die.
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