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Old 05-23-2013, 02:04 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens View Post
I will be astounded if this lad isn't a Muslim with very extreme views, or a convert.

Like I said, I think he's a 'road Muslim' who has possibly converted in prison. I have no evidence for that but that is just a hunch I have. It's quite common in places like Birmingham and London.
Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo | UK news |

Friends from Marshalls Park school talked of how he was an ordinary student who got the bus, played football, and "jacked" a few phones.
Jacked means to steal btw.

Counter-terrorism officers and the security services are examining Adebolajo's links to the banned extremist group al-Muhajiroun. It is understood he was radicalised around 10 years ago, changing his name to Mujaahid, which means "one who engages in jihad".
Adebolajo was frequently seen in Woolwich handing out Islamist literature in the High Street.

Anjem Choudary, the former leader of al-Muhajiroun, has confirmed that he knew Adebolajo, who was pictured on video in the immediate aftermath of the horrific killing waving a cleaver with bloodied hands.

Choudary said Mujaahid had converted to Islam in 2003 and was a British-born Nigerian. He said he had attended meetings of al-Muhajiroun from around 2005-11, but stopped attending the meetings, and those its successor organisations, two years ago.
Guy's a bell-end. Loads of Muslims will be shitting themselves after this.
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