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Old 11-05-2005, 11:45 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
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Alright, well let me make a case. I wouldn't have even thought of this until some clown said "the sex pistols aren't metal" which was intended to be smartassy and not serious, but heres what I say in responce to these posts.

If someone wrote about greeday in a metal forum, they you could suppose one of three things.
1. their spamming and their a bot or someone paid to pretend to think GD is great (like that Fabs horse**** that went down)

2. their new and couldn't find what they were looking for or screwed something up.

3. Just didn't know. And I'd like to point out that you toolboxes who are making fun of the newbs are the majority of that problem. If someone thought Korn was metal (as wrong as I think they would be) I don't think they know for certain, its just all they've been exposed to.

I remember reading a rock critics article about when he was a kid thinking that Billy Joel and Crystal Gale were the forerunners of modern music, and that, because it was faster and heavier than the two aforementioned, that Rush was punk.

These forums serve in part to educate.

I'd also like to say I suggested the idea because I can't be the only one who's sick of seeing the metal kids overcompensate for their lack of social skills by saying all claissic rock sucks and they we should listen to slayer. The other reason is, Metal has 1582 sub-genres and for anyone who has only a passing intrest to metal, or not at all, really wonders what the hell the long discussions are for and why it matters.

I'd argue that their very dissimilar, and that (im not joking here) metal as more in common with jazz than it does with rock.

Im not asking for a change because I say so, im asking that we consider it, open mindedly, and put it up to a MB vote, and i'd ask that if that be the case, make a post count req so they alt accounts and people who dropped by that week wouldn't count.
I've moved to a new address
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