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Old 06-03-2013, 05:48 PM   #5139 (permalink)
Left due to ban epidemic
CrazyVegn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 498

^What is going on? O>O

1. How accurately do you remember which part of a TV Show / Movie you were at when you fell asleep whilst watching it. And how do you deal with this mishap?
I don't have cable or a TV.

2. Is your favourite sandwich topping the same regardless of whether it has been toasted, grilled or not?
Blanched tomato slices or real mayonnaise - tie.

3. Do you automatically listen to a bands debut album if you are looking to get into them?

4. Would you prefer to only be able to text or phone call with your mobile for the rest of your life?
Phone call.

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, which is your favourite number and why?

3 - it is the perfect balance, even esthetically. It is the # of optimism, positivity, luck, warmth, and is my birth #s.

6. Would you have joined Music Banter if it didn't have a lounge, and would you stick around if it was closed down?
Yes, I would've bc my first post/concern was for a song.

1. What gif represents you as a person?
2. If you could give a gift to anyone on MusicBanter, who would it be, what would you give them and why?
I'd give myself a long, thorough pedicure for my aching knees and internal organs.
3. Are you a troll or are you people?
I'm a winner. LOL
4. Who's the best person/people to with, in your opinion?
5. Are you a dominant or a submissive?
6. If you could punch one author/writer/actor in the face, who would it be and why?
Nicholas Sparks (lol, I couldn't think of anything but that b*tch is pretty cheesy so why not?)
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