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Old 06-06-2013, 07:53 AM   #2429 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: The Eyrie, Vale of Arryn, Westeros
Posts: 3,234

Franco: Funniest member besides Pedestrian/Peter

Goofle: My vote for mod, since clearly there needs to be some changes there

CrazyVegn: Soulmates

FETCHER: has done me several times in this thread but I love her more everytime, hahahaha

Neap: Always has the right tunes

Fluffy Kittens: **** you.

Urban: neutral but not quite yet

Trollheart: Troll with a heart? More like, "too long, didn't read", more like "too close for legal comfort", more like nah I'm good.

AwwSugar: do u do rt

Paloma: what a bitch, starts too many fights, I think she's actually a man? Maybe stop injecting heroin into your penis, you might make more friends that way.

Dr. Rez: the Sonny to my Cher except I'm gay

anticipation: we get it already just stop it's embarrassing

DJCham: Didn't T-Pain teach you anything? My John Watson tbh. Or Joan, depending on if you'd rather be Lucy Liu or Martin Freeman. Your choice.

Vanilla: My fanclub is full right now check back in about 5 yrs

Always/Siojfeooijejfoeo or whatever it is now: You'll be fine & you're not a bad person, you don't lack for anything except confidence. xoxo

Are you good with a sword? I'd make you Lord Commander of my Queensguard no question

bob: The Eddard to my Sansa tbh
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