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Old 06-07-2013, 01:21 PM   #21 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Whoa damn...have I really not updated this journal for 3 years? Well, seeing as I now have some time on my hands since I just graduated and am currently sans job I'll try to throw an album in here occasionally.

However, now that I'm remembering the purpose of this thread I realize why I have avoided updating it. I wanted to present people with an accurate and as-complete-as-possible account of how my music tastes have developed and the key albums along the way. That included the the alums that - if I stay true to this - may make me look really bad. This era lasted until high school and it is rife with embarrassing albums, but it also represents a time when I just didn't give a **** what people thought of the music I was listening to. If I liked it, I liked it. So while it is embarrassing, it is also one of the most honest points in my life. That honesty won't return until much later when I realize I can actually consider myself an audiophile and that I know way more about music than your average joe.

So now that you have been warned, I present you with...

The Preteen Years
Savage Garden - Savage Garden (1997)

As embarrassing as it may be to admit, this album still goes down as a guilty pleasure. Now, I haven't listened to it since 1997 but if I hear "I Want You" on the radio, I still enjoy it. In fact...I know all the freakin words. Yes, it's true. In fact, I will karaoke the **** out of it, not look at the monitor, and not be the least bit ashamed. I was completely ready for a nostalgia trip with this one. I clicked "private session" on Spotify, hit play, and let the shame wash over me...

First impressions after 16 years...I'm reminded of just how well the 90's did pop. Comparing it to today's top 40 sludge, "To the Moon and Back" sounds organic on top of all its hooks. Then we get to "I Want You". To you guys born in the 90's and possibly haven't heard/don't remember this song should go listen to it just for historical value. It's damn catchy. My 11 year old self freaking loved the fast verses. Plus it's complete with a completely 90's hip hop breakdown. It's pure cheese...but you know what, damn it sometimes I like cheese whiz on my Triscuits. As I'm listening to "Truly Madly Deeply", I remember that I totally used this song to get laid in high school. I think it would still hold up for that purpose today. Another thing I'm impressed with is just how solid this album is the whole way through. It's amazing to me the difference between then and now. In the 90's, people were still buying whole albums as opposed to downloading singles off iTunes. Some effort to provide full album experience was even seen in pop albums of the time. On the same note, while a lot of these songs would hold up today, some are VERY of their time. "Universe" is straight up 90's smooth R&B. While it could still be used as a panty dropper, it was definitely recorded in the 90's.

My fiancée has an encyclopedic knowledge of 90's R&B. She would pull out these obscure albums and I would strangely enjoy them. I've also been really enjoying the nu-R&B that's been coming out like The Weeknd and Miguel. This also may be where I picked up some of my love for a really smooth and atmospheric sound. Now I can see where those roots were planted. Will this album re-enter my list of classic albums? Hell fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was another 16 years before I attempt listening to it again. I do have a new appreciation for it, though.

I would provide more videos, but trust me when I say this is the only thing you need to hear off this album:

There. My first truly embarrassing album...done. And you know what? It feels good. I still can't believe I posted this here, but you know what? SHUT UP.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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