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Old 06-11-2013, 09:05 PM   #489 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2013
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Posts: 3

Suicide is sort of a tricky subject to try to generalise because there are so many different reasons and circumstances that can go into it... That said, I don't usually think it's selfish, unless the reasoning is completely ridiculous (such as a 13-year-old getting dumped by her "boyfriend" of two weeks). I do understand though, that if two people go through a very similar event, it can affect them differently since different people have stronger or weaker reactions to things depending on their mental state.

I don't think suicide, in most cases, is cowardly but I can sort of see why someone might say that it is (but that doesn't mean I won't debate with them on it). I mean, it's somewhat selfish for the person to leave their friends and family behind, but at the same time, they might not understand that because by that time they've probably convinced themselves that their friends and family are better off without them, therefore thinking they're doing them a favour. At the same time, it's sort of selfish in a way for friends and family to try to guilt the person into not doing it (which happens quite a lot) when they can see that they've been suffering for a long time and they've lost all hope of things getting better... To me, it's not fair to ask someone to live in misery if they've been trying to hold on and things just aren't getting any better, and while we'd all like to think that things eventually look up... Sometimes they just don't.

All that being said... In 99% of cases, I do not believe suicide is cowardly.
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