Music Banter - View Single Post - Daft Punk
Thread: Daft Punk
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:44 PM   #374 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by edwardc77 View Post
I feel completely the same. It's almost as if you're forced to like it because of all the rave reviews and media attention that this album is getting.. Sooner or later people will realize that 'The emperor has no clothes".
Anyhow I must admit that (only) from a purely sonic point of view,RAM sounds very impressive.
This is because most people believe that things like: talented musicians,expensive equipment and state of the art recording studios have become completely redundant. According to these guys with a 300 dollar laptop bought at your local Walmart you can obtain similar if not better results.....Daft Punk showed them the abyssal difference.
I actually think people who are pretentious are predisposed too hate the album for it being mainstream and not very original. I however think it's a great album, not revolutionary or breaking trends but it's more or less a decent pop album. If you don't like it that's fine but I get the feeling you expect everyone else to hate it as well.
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