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Old 06-15-2013, 09:33 AM   #9 (permalink)
Burning Down
The Music Guru.
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
I confess that I love when people buy me presents and treats. I am an only child and have been pretty spoiled for my entire life, even though my family didn't have any money. Guys tend to show their interest when they take me to dinner or buy me chocolates. I don't actually expect it of them, but totally love it when they do! I have been told on here that I love attention and of course it's absolutely right. When you have gone through teenage years with guys and girls focusing on you (whether positive or negative) it's hard not to enjoy attention as an adult. I may act like a princess, but that's because in my eyes I am one, whether people like it or not. However as self focused as I might be, I am pretty caring. I am devoted to my friends and go out of my way to stick up for those with disabilities. I have done a lot of volunteer work for the elderly and animals too. I hope to run my own charity one day once I have got a high paying job so I can make sure that this country stops discriminating on the disabled and ensures that every business cater for them (re ramps, elevators buttons that the wheelchair bound can reach, etc).
I like spoiling other people (within my means, of course). I don't expect to be spoiled by other people either, but I love it when it happens. Only from certain people though.

Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
It was in a bush on the playground, but one of those ones that kids have hollowed out and turned into a fort.
You crapped in someone's fort?
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