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Old 06-18-2013, 11:39 PM   #173 (permalink)
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Ive personally never actually seen anything like a ghost, apparitions or whatever they supposedly appear as. But there has been a few times that I have felt some kind of presence as if it were close to me. For example, My wife and I once lived in a house in the Athens Ohio area, and in the back bedroom where we slept it always felt like someone was standing in the corner watching me or whatever. The point is I did feel a presence in that particular room every night I went to bed. I also got the same feeling outside around the same exact area where the bedroom was located. I kept this to myself for a month or so until one evening before going to bed, I mentioned it to my wife and her mouth dropped wide open and replied that she herself has felt the same way ever since we had moved into to the house.
So my wife (at the time) ask one of her christian friends to come over and see if she felt anything like what we were experiencing. She started to walk around the house to where our bedroom was located, and just before she turned the corner to where the room was located, she made an abrupt turn and returned to her car and said she didn't want to go there. I don't remember what her explanation for not wanting to encounter our supposedly ghost but she never returned to visit us at our house while we continued living there.
In all practicality, I seriously believe that it was some kind of electrical field from power lines, or what have you, instead of an actual presence from the dead.
Even if there are such things as ghost, demons, etc. They really don't bother me at all, I mean even though I felt that weird presence like someone or something was watching me...I still slept like a baby. That kind of shit doesn't worry or bother me at the least. There is an explanation for most everything.
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