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Old 06-20-2013, 02:53 AM   #7 (permalink)
Afro Blue
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: in a wave
Posts: 54

and also regarding the spiritual realm, i belive there must be much more to life that we cannot grasp, even if we are aware that there is stuff going around that we dont understand, there is really no much good that can come out of that... i have this belive that spirits live trough us, and there are beeings that dont have an organism that are just floating around... but i know that this is just a notion and i leave it at that.. like serious fiction. THere is much more to fear in the living than in the ones that are non organic, people can be cruel and plain evil, and everyday is a constant battle to amend our bodys and our minds to reconcile the spirit and the matter so a new light can flower to help strengthen the sun, by the shine of our souls.

i pray that we can all learn to live more in our hearts and less in our minds.

thnk you all for this online comunity, it sure is fun to share toughts trough this extra sensorial comunication. Peace to all.
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