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Old 07-07-2013, 04:44 AM   #30 (permalink)
Nurse Duckett
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My memory of punk is it was born in 1976 and died in 1977, this may not be the case where you live but it was certainly the case in Britain.

Punk wasn't about anything other than everyone could do it, it didn't matter if you couldn't play very well. You could buy your first guitar and practise for a year and still not be able to play Led Zeppelin, punk arrived and you could buy your first guitar on Monday and be playing in a punk band by Saturday.

The Sex Pistols released God Save the Queen in 1977 to coincide with the Queens sliver jubilee, the BBC banned the single, it out sold the number one single that week by 3 to 1, but it was never given number 1 status. The media jumped on it, the music media really jumped on it and soon everyone and his/her dog was a punk, even if it was only for 3 weeks. That was when punk died, it had become exactly what it supposedly hated.

It was the first time I'd heard the "I'm an individual" argument, I'm an individual and I'll do what i want and I'll look how i want, and soon they all looked the same. I'm certain i wasn't the only one to see the irony in all this so called individuality, it was just attention seeking kids doing what attention seeking kids do. Sounds alot like the EMO thing doesn't it, loads of kids all demanding to be treated like individuals whilst all looking and acting the same and all saying exactly the same thing.

The media can only write about what has already happened, and if its already happened then its over. When the media get hold of something they usually kill it, and that's exactly what happened to punk. It was created by accident by people with good intentions and killed by the media when the idiot masses jumped on board.

The closest you'll get to the original punk ethic you'll get in todays world is someone sampling tunes in his/her bedroom and putting it all together to come up with some great dance tunes.

Punk died in its infancy, I'm glad punk happened and I'm glad it died.

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