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Old 07-08-2013, 03:13 AM   #72 (permalink)
Boozy Lad
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Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens View Post

If you're in a high crime area late at night you're more likely to be a victim of crime. This is a fact. Does it mean you're to blame? No, not really.
Fluffy, agree with that and several of your other points esp about jumping on the "no blame" bandwagon. I got into a long discussion with a female friend of mine over the whole "dangerous areas" thing. These things shouldn't happen, but they do, it's a fact of life. An example I gave was when I was out in Kenya at 16 with other school/college kids, we were told not to go onto the beach at night because in all likelihood we would be raped and/or mugged with the possibility of death. Needless to say nobody did. Now if people had gone before being warned when they were ignorant of such danger, there could be no "blame" attached. After said conversation, if someone had gone out onto the beach and been raped it would have still been a horrific crime, but I could our guide saying simply said "I told you so". Brutal, but this is their world. Whilst I wouldn't blame any victim-in some circumstances (and I stress some) the risk can be lessened.

Although I'm not quite sure victim blaming is entirely an internet sensation? I come across similar comments a fair amount, in social groups or places. Some people could well be "trolling" in real life, some definitely aren't. Nobody comes out on national television and says the same thing they would behind a keyboard, or over a quiet pint, but they still believe it.
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
That's your opinion but you are wrong.
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