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Old 07-08-2013, 03:45 AM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Newkie View Post
Although I'm not quite sure victim blaming is entirely an internet sensation? I come across similar comments a fair amount, in social groups or places. Some people could well be "trolling" in real life, some definitely aren't. Nobody comes out on national television and says the same thing they would behind a keyboard, or over a quiet pint, but they still believe it.
I can only go by what I've seen and heard myself, I find most people are decent enough to not think that. I've no doubt some people do think like this but it's the reasoning of a thick cunt who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously and isn't worth getting wound up over. You definitely encounter it way more on the internet, ofc people are more reserved in real life but I reckon most people would have no problem saying it's the victim's fault if they really thought it. Look at groups like the EDL, they've no problem expressing their racism and xenophobia. Thick cunts are everywhere.

Also there was that fuss over the policeman saying dress code can encourage rape or whatever it was so people do say it in real life.

And you've only got to look at the witch hunts in the UK with people like Savile or when something like noncing is mentioned to see that paedophiles, rapists and general sexual deviants generate a lot of hate among society. They're hated, the vast majority of people side with the victims. Because of this I think it's a non-issue and mostly just internet wummery.

Originally Posted by 216 View Post
Not to go too off-topic but there is definitely a big problem with the legality (or maybe it's common courtesy) of publishing names of victims and accusers. It has always been surprising to me that everyone would like the victim's name protected, yet I see accused rapists names all over the paper although they haven't been convicted of anything. I feel like false reports should carry a heavy sentence as well.
The accused should be given the same rights to anonymity as the victim until they're proven guilty.

People who make false claims should be sentenced to at least the minimum sentence that someone found guilty of rape would get.
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