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Old 07-09-2013, 05:03 PM   #99 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by CrazyVegn View Post
Freebase Dali,
why should I answer to you when you do not answer my PM about somebody's (won't say who) cult thread?...
It was the kind of PM that I had to include my fellow mods on because I honestly didn't know what to make of it. Judging by the lack of response, they don't either. I do like my responses to count, so when I figure it out, I will let you know.
Yes, but do Americans strike you as courteous to feelings or having social etiquette like that?..
Absolutely. Where I grew up, it's just a given. While it may not be the most objectively truthful way to go about interaction, on the whole, I think the system of invoking a white lie by silencing inconsequential objections just generally makes social existence smoother on the whole. I do know that if we just called it like we saw it in every instance, we'd probably navigate life in a very inconvenient way.
But I'm sure there are cultures that think the opposite, and consider it rude to not say exactly what you mean. We're just not that culture where I'm from.

However, on the internet, we get to be a bit more open and have a bit of ranting without fear of a brick flying at us. Also, I don't consider roadways to be very courteous about 50 percent of the time. It's like the further you are from being face to face, the more freedom you feel to pour less sugar on interaction. Totally selfish probably. But it works well enough. Except on roadways...
Well even if I hate a song I can play it by ear and help others out who are trying to learn the song who keep getting the notes wrong whether in melody, bass, or middle. This has happened time and time again with friends, family, and acquaintances. In the same songs (and ones I'm indifferent about) I hear sounds and point them out that no one else has heard. These were their favorites and they never heard that part of it before and the reason why their playing it wouldn't sound quite right.
I'm the same way. I've played music since I was a child, and I couldn't even tell you how to make a C minor. But I can hear it and find exactly where it is. I can hear the notes and reproduce them vocally. I hear the textures, the tones, the depth, the juxtaposed rhythms, etc. I'm an ear player and listener, Everything just internalizes in an intuitive way. That's just what we do. We pay attention to the sound, we map it in our minds intuitively, and we can reproduce it with minimal effort and without need for laborious following of written data. (obviously there's a limit here...)

I don't think it's a special talent, and I know for a fact that many people possess it. Some do not. I think it's just in the way you understand sound, and I think it's mostly dependent on how you approach it during your formative years.

With that said, I don't think I'm necessarily "superior" to anyone else. I think there are just different approaches, and some net greater outcomes depending on the goal.
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