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Old 07-14-2013, 12:41 AM   #898 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
Make it so
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 6,181

1. I have a chronic pain condition and have opiates every day.
2. I love my breasts.
3. I'm addicted to beef jerky.
4. My parents call me "princess"
5. My favourite colour is pink.
6. I've seen the movie Titanic over 20 times.
7. I lived through thousands of earthquakes, many of which were over magnitude 5 and a 6.3 which killed 185 people.
8. I only date international men. Kiwi guys are awful.
9. My favourite flowers are roses.
10. I always forget to change the month of my calender.
11. I have an incurable disease.
12. I have 13 soft toys on my bed (and I'm 26, I will never grow up!).
13. I've always wanted to be in a band like the Cranberries and record an album about my past depression.
14. When I was a child I wanted to be an Astronomer or a Pathologist.
15. I style my room as "old hollywood" with Audrey Hepburn, Vivienne Leigh and Marilyn Monroe as my inspiration.
16. My hair gets EVERYWHERE. My boyfriend told me he has hair over all his stuff after moving to Christchurch!
17. I always sleep naked, winter to summer.
18. People tend to think of me as really bubbly and cheerful. At my last job I was secretly named Bubbles.
19. I think about my Granddad who passed away when I was 13. He is my inspiration because he was an incredible person which is what I want to be to my children/grandchildren.
20. I'm afraid of commitment, things like marriage and babies scare the hell out of me.
21. I get a lot of nightmares, possibly due to opiates.
22. I used to model for a boutique shop as an ad in the paper.
23. I am mentally really stoic. I've lived through many bad situations and still can laugh and be myself.
24. I think the female body is the most beautiful living art form.
25. My stereo is 12 years old and still works perfectly.
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