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Old 07-14-2013, 07:30 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens View Post
Like you say, we don't know what's going on but for the MEN to print his picture without knowing the full truth is just irresponsible.

They obviously know it too, because they've taken the picture down now.

Good posts btw & welcome to the board.

Hard to argue with any of this, particularly agree w/ the bit in bold.
Yeah, I get where you're coming from but it's when it comes to serious crimes, law enforcement has to make difficult decisions. If a suspect has skipped town or mysteriously disappeared before you could get a name and picture, do you just let him go? Or do you try by any means you can to find him so you can proceed with the investigation?

It's an even more difficult choice because most of the time when it happens and it's that important to find people it's usually in serious crimes like rape or murder. Which means that if the person is innocent their reputation will be damaged but sometimes there isn't much choice.

I don't know about this specific case and jurisdiction but I know that many will only divulge names and information about people if they're officially suspects/people of interest with enough to tie them to the case. If it turns out they're innocent that sucks but what if they aren't and you're just letting someone go? It's difficult.

Maybe the guy ended up being cleared or else they found out some other way of tracking him down. It's freaky to think of a situation like that but I can also see the point behind it, if this makes sense.


Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
If she's giving you the idk sign it depends on how drunk you are because you will just go for it anyways. The more drunk/horny you are is what will determine how you perceive the whole "idk" point.
Then... what about not going for it anyways? I don't know, I'm prone to getting drunk and horny myself but if my partner is giving those vibes then I just stop and call it a day. As to not perceiving it, maybe it's why clear communication with a sexual partner is important. Even if it's just a one-night stand, I try to make sure they know they can safely back out without getting insulted or forced into anything they don't want to do.
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