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Old 07-15-2013, 05:44 PM   #81 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Cat person. I've never met a cat I couldn't get purring... People who have trouble with them just don't know how to treat them properly. My dad hated cats but he always thought you could train it like a dog, so our cats always hated him. Dogs like me too, but they are easy. I like the idea of cohabitating with an animal as opposed to "owning" one. As cheesy as it sounds, I feel more connected to nature that way. I used to be allergic, so I always missed out on the cat petting when I was little. I got over it, so that might also explain why I like them so much now.

As a person who works/goes out of town quite a bit, my rule is always get 2 cats so they can socialize each other and not be lonely.
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