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Old 07-22-2013, 03:58 PM   #46 (permalink)
ladyislingering's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Seattle
Posts: 695

Hey, MB, just checking in. Ki and I have been on a bit of a hiatus since we don't have wifi in our new apartment yet. (But I've been out and about stealing it elsewhere since I realized I needed a second job, so the search is on yet again.) However, many sick grooves have been felt as I've gotten back in touch with my vinyl collection (and my beautiful black babies are surely happy to see me again, let me tell you - they've been hiding in bins for the past year and I couldn't possibly be any more apologetic).

I'm also working on a novel in my spare time.

So here's some music I've been grooving to recently. I usually post what I'm listening to on Facebook, in the form of photos, and anyone's free to add me (just don't get too friendly or Ki will give you the death glare and fart on your pillow).

The other day I was drunkenly (well, not drunkenly, but ... buzzed) grooving to Jefferson Airplane. "Surrealistic Pillow" was a huge part of my adolescence and I just can't deny this song's lyrical value.

Jefferson Airplane - "3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds"

Take me to a circus tent, where I can easily pay my rent, and all the other freaks will share my cares....

There's also been some of the fabulous Pat Benatar in my listening experience. I've loved her since I was young. Not many people really cared for the "Precious Time" album, but holy shit, this is a gem.

Pat Benatar - "Fire and Ice"

And I'll throw in some Genesis for good measure, since "Abacab" has never fully left my consciousness as a fabulous album.

Genesis - "Me and Sarah Jane"

And my favorite ...

Genesis - "Dodo/Lurker"

That's all for me for now. I've got stuff to do. All the best to you crazy people; we'll meet again soon.
You and I,
We were born to die.
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