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Old 07-26-2013, 11:22 AM   #34 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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This makes absolutely no sense from a neurological standpoint.
Memories and consciousness is a function of our brains. When the brain ceases to function, that person's consciousness does as well. It doesn't mean that the brain was not functioning before it stopped. It just means it stopped.
Using this logic, I could say that energy is created from the object when the object is created and when that object is destroyed, energy is also destroyed. Is that true? No. Energy is always conserved meaning it cannot be created or destroyed. There is no reason to assume the same would not be true of consciousness.

Science has a split personality that way. It holds a materialist view in that matter is the fundamental building block of the universe and that consciousness arises from it (i.e. consciousness is epiphenomenal). I disagree, I say that consciousness is the fundamental building block of the universe and that matter is epiphenomenal (the idealist view although there are a variety of idealist philosophies that do not agree). Yet quantum mechanics, the very basis of modern physics has already yielded a number of scientifically verified findings that disputes if not disproves the materialist view.

One of the most startling is the discovery that particles are really waves and that it is, in fact, consciousness that collapses this wave function to a localized area in space-time--what we perceive as a particle. Without consciousness, this reality would not exist but in potentia. Everything you see around you only exists because a consciousness observes it--yours. Moreover, the wave function of each and every object is in a constant state of expanding and collapsing. It is never just one or the other. We are simultaneously waves and particles at the same time even these are total opposites. How? We don't know. We can't even perceive both at once. It is a wave when we aren't looking and a a particle when we are.

In short, consciousness creates the universe and not just one time 15 billion years ago but every instant. Every instant--too short to be measured (reverse eternity, if you will)--your consciousness builds your universe around you completely from scratch, anihilates it in the same instant and then builds it again.

But each time is the first time. If you could put a counter on it to log how many times your consciousness rebuilds the universe, it would only register "1" every time you looked at it. It too is being rebuilt every instant.

Physicists have found this is true of atoms also. Why are atoms so identical, they wondered? They discovered that electron orbits are discontinuous. The electron orbit is recreated every instant. It has no past and no future. It has only the present, the very instant and then it's gone. The orbits are standing waves that cannot be affected by anything. Since we are made up of atoms, this is also our true nature but we don't realize it.

This life that you are living over and over again, it is doing the same thing. Each time it cycles is the first time. Which is why it's identical each time. If it was actually a different cycle, different things would happen.

It's a hard concept to grasp but basically when something is eternal then it cannot end and must either go on forever or repeat infinitely. Our existence goes on forever but our individual lives repeat infinitely and if the universe goes up like a nuclear bomb, then our existence will go into infinite repeat. And this may have already happened. We can never know. All we can say is that the effects of eternity are always acting upon us.
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