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Old 07-28-2013, 11:12 PM   #134 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
I'll tell you whatever I damn well please. Its a forum for discussion. If you don't like my opinion, that's your problem. I haven't violated the rules, and I'm well within the confines of a discussion about music - not your sexuality. And using your poor logic, you couldn't tell me anything having never been a straight male, so lets not pretend you know where I'm coming from.

Your argument against me, and subsequently against macklemore, is that neither of us should be able to say anything about the topic at hand because neither of us self-identify as queer. Which is absurd since the real catalyst behind this video is that people misuse the word all the time - presumably straight people misuse the word all the time - since by your own admission queer folk are allowed to reclaim it.

If thats the case, then a queer person would be the worst person to discuss word useage with straight people, since they aren't striaght and couldn't begin to understand what misusing the word felt like.

Both arguments - the one I just mentioned and the one you're actually using and defending - are ridiculous. Why gender factors into a discussion about words and their use is absurd. Were I to honestly tell you that you couldn't discuss something because you were queer, or a woman, you'd rightfully lose your cool with me. And you should. Because nothing about those factors comes into play in the discussion. You're taking a closed-minded, arrogant, and elitist position just so you can get on a soap box and it makes you look foolish and it does nothing to further the discussion.

Are you saying people don't use the word "***got" in the Youtube comments section?

owned lol

such a self absorbed attitude by hermone it is quite startling to be honest. so basically you want equal rights but nobody who isn;t queer should help?? or you criticize them? because they cant possibly know of your plight or social oppression by society? thats what im gettin from this.
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