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Old 08-01-2013, 12:28 AM   #7393 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Serbia
Posts: 27

So...the more complex the better? What do you listen to, then? So if I just threw a bunch of chord progressions and time signature changes as I could at a song, I've got a real masterpiece in the works?
It's amusing how nobody on the planet Internet understands this simple little truth: that there is a good complexity (e.g. a lot of classical music) and a bad complexity (e.g. a lot of jazz music.) When I (and every other sane person) praise complexity what I (we) mean is that a thing should consist of as many properly coordinated elements as possible. The emphasis is on "properly coordinated". If these elements aren't properly coordinated then that's a bad, fake, meaningless, stupid complexity -- not a complexity at all but, in fact, simplicity posing as complexity.

So what would you call it?
Ummmm.. pretentious? I'd just drop the word completely.

But you just said making really complex music is better...this kind of refutes that as jazz musicians make some of the most complex music around.
Their complexity is of the bad kind.

Last edited by mirosurabu; 08-01-2013 at 01:03 AM.
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