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Old 08-02-2013, 09:23 PM   #9011 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Arya Stark View Post
I hear even from women everything changes once you get married. That there's just a different feel. I don't know personally, though, so I can't say.
But what changes? I can see how in the past, things would change drastically when you get married because couples didn't live together before marriage etc. But if you're already basically like a married couple - living together, sharing finances, owning a house, etc - what will change when you get married? I'm sure the same thing would happen to long term couples who choose not to get married, so marriage isn't the thing that stumps the sexual relationship, it's obviously just what happens when you've been with someone for a long time, grow into an adult with someone and start factoring in your life a lot of distractions like work, kids, etc. But not the actual marriage. Anyway, I don't see what is going to change between my partner and I when we get married because we pretty much already live like a married couple. Unless something drastically changed in our lives, such as our jobs or having kids or something, I don't think things will change for us anytime soon.

My best friend got married 6 months ago and I asked her the other day, "So how is married life?" to which she replied with "It's basically the same as before we were married... except now I have a different surname." Because they were already living in a defacto relationship. Obviously it's only been 6 months but I don't think the actual MARRIAGE is what affects couples, I think it's all the adult-like stuff that tends to follow marriage...

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
it's not going to happen immediately of course because you will still be in the honeymoon phase but trust me it will happen to even you. You can't escape your fate :P
Yeah, but it will only happen to you once you start adding things into your life that are going to affect your relationship, such as starting a stressful job, struggling with finances, or having a baby. I don't have any of those things planned into the next 5 years so I think I'll be OK for the meantime. Of course as you get older you don't have as much time to dedicate towards things like having wild rampant sex every single day because you begin to take on more responsibilities. I think that's pretty normal and not just limited to married couples.

I don't want to accept my fate! :P
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