Music Banter - View Single Post - Moving To A New Forum
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Old 08-03-2013, 12:34 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Trollheart, this move is not, from my point of view, in order to escape any member/community related issues on this forum. It would only be a way of getting a place to really call our own instead of borrowing this site from the admins.

I can see how Mojo got me wrong earlier. I do suggest moving all activity to a new forum, but before making the move, I imagine a sort of transition period where we build the site, copy over threads we want to keep, discuss what features we want and try to implement those. In my imagination, this transitional period would be an interesting time for MB as the community gets to piece their new home together by moving threads and perhaps contributing in other ways. Once the place was done, we'd make the move by setting up an announcement thread or similar.

Lateralus and Freebase, you mention what I think is the biggest problem which is leaving behind this site's google ranking etc. It is both a curse and a blessing. It is a blessing because we get traffic here, but it's a curse in that it's one of the important reasons why this site has not changed since it was made in 2003.

I don't have a complete solution to that problem. Setting up an announcement here telling people to move to the new forum would help a little bit, but I assume Yac might take that down and so we're not exactly guaranteed to have that. As for the new community surviving over time with less influx of members, that would be a challenge. I think if we build a new site, each one of us will be a little more personally invested in that site. It will be a bit more exclusive and can cater to more community wishes and features rather than those given only by a forum and these things should help keep members around, but there is definitely some risk involved.

edit :

In my opinion, the most desirable scenario would be to be allowed to do things with, of course. We could simply get more privileges here or the admins could set up a sister site on a subdomain and we could play with it there. When we and admin are satisfied, it could become implemented. If the new site also ran on vbulletin, all posts and threads could be imported. There would be no loss of information.
If you did create a community, I would no doubt love to be a part of it and would be happy to invest time and effort into setting it up. However, I think I would still continue to post on Music Banter and I'm not sure if this would be the case with others, too. The reason being that I post on a music forum to have discussion about music, I'm not really here for control of forum features or customisation or anything like that. I can understand that others might want something different out of a forum - but for me, it's about the discussion, and while a new community of regular members would be very cool and I would certainly be a part of it, I don't think you would get the same level of discussion/exposure/sharing of music that you would on Music Banter due to the fact that it will still likely generate more traffic, have more members, have all the past posts of rich discussion and information, etc.

So I think that if we tried it, it would probably turn into an additional forum that some regular members post on, yet Music Banter would still exist and still be the "main" go to forum.
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