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Old 08-03-2013, 07:11 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
. Right now, in order to find out what's written in a journal, you have to find the journal. Instead of members writings being actively promoted by the site, it is hidden. What if it was presented someplace else where it was easier to see?
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post tore, I just didn't want to quote the whole thing when this is the part that concerns me.

I don't know if you are aware, but I have put in a lot of time and effort making a special thread which not only updates everyone on who's writing journals and what they're writing, but takes a somewhat humourous and light-hearted approach to the whole journal thing (humour got a little out of hand though, had to dial it back) and also encourages others who haven't already started journals to try it. Finally, I focus every week on a new and an old journal that's being written.

I think, without being smug or arrogant, that the members' journals section is getting a lot more publicity now than it was last year, and some of this has been down to that thread. A direct result of this can be seen in the amount of both new journals starting up and older ones which had been left to rust being picked up again. In my own little way I hope I'm responsible for, or have contributed a little to that, and I would have to take issue with the above statement. Sorry, but I think whereas people who didn't maintain journals before may not even have been aware of the section, a lot more now are.

EDIT: Apologies, DJ: I see you brought this up already. That's what I get for rushing through the thread! Still, my points are I think valid and expand on what you said, but thanks for mentioning the thread anyway. Appreciate it.
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