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Old 08-13-2013, 12:00 AM   #327 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I've heard the name Perez Hilton, but I've never actually looked into him. I get all my **** from TMZ, which is quite possibly the greatest show on television. I used to watch the first fifteen minutes or so of Wendy Williams too, but then her show got moved to a different time slot and I can't be arsed to go look for it.
I basically look at Perez everyday but I find him attention seeking and he's a bully. He picks on any celebrity that he doesn't personally get along with. For example a few years ago he was best friends with Lady Gaga. He used to promote her all the time and used to call her Wifey. Somehow between that time and now he fell out with her and now is putting down her latest music and was trying to make her look bad by making a poll of her single versus Katy Perry's. Funny thing is that Gaga one the poll by a landslide and her single post got over 200 comments supporting her.

I sometimes wonder why I even go to his website but he likes the same shows as me and most of the time has decent posts. Lately it's been annoying because he continues to posts pictures and videos of his baby. It's like why would you do that to your kid by putting him on the web? He doesn't get a say in it.

I look at TMZ too but find them a bit desperate!
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