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Old 08-13-2013, 04:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
Personally I find the whole story ridiculous, I mean they were supposedly threatened at gunpoint by some Colombians to carry the stuff and they didn't know what was in there! But then again if they didn't know the actual contents that they were carrying, they must've surely known it was something highly illegal and they had plenty of time to avoid the actual scenario with customs, as I doubt the Colombians were going to walk through customs with them.

Personally I think they're guilty or they've been framed, but their story now rules out the second possibility.

To actually smuggle from somewhere like Peru is literally playing Russian Roulette. It's normally drugs or jewellery with the punishment for the former much higher. For those that do it and don't get caught the prize is high, but I'd say the chances of getting caught are even higher, especially when you consider that they could face 25 years in jail.

I didn't read your link, so it might have added something that I didn't know.
A priest who has spoken to them says he reckons they were forced and flew to Morocco first then back to mainland Spain before heading to Peru, which has got to be bollocks. If they'd had said something at Madrid airport someone would have helped them surely? No sympathy from me.

They can't play the innocent card - there's no way some bloke grabbed them off the street and 'forced' them to smuggle drugs. I've not been to Ibiza but know loads of people who have plenty of times and the drug culture isn't actually difficult to keep out of. They must have been courting it, and there's no way they didn't know what they were letting themselves in for.

Even if the cartel never mentioned the word 'drugs' or 'coke', they simply can't be stupid enough to think some bloke wants to give them £8k to bring 6kg of dried fucking soup back from fucking Peru.

It takes a special kind of stupid to smuggle 11kg of coke. In suitcases. Flying from Peru to Spain ffs . They clearly thought they were Billy big bollocks and they have been caught out. Just stupid beyond belief.

So they should forget playing the innocent card. Hope they get the book thrown at them good and proper.

"Free holiday and £8k cash? What could go wrong?"

"Oh noez, it went wrong - no no, that doesn't count!"
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