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Old 08-15-2013, 02:58 PM   #83 (permalink)
why bother?
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Well, I was gonna do another nice, long album post here, but I've been doing stuff like that all week for non-forummy reasons, so I'm a bit jaded with the process for now. Next week I guess...barring some freak accident or Yakuza debt robbing me of my fingers, in which case I guess I'll have to put a chopstick in my mouth and type up a whole review that way, but I digress...

I've had a really tiring day today, haven't really been in the mood for listening to music today, so I'm just gonna talk about a song I like that's been in my head for a minute or two and then get ready for bed. Hard night's clubbing on the morrow y'see - I need a good night's sleep if I'm gonna be totally up for it

And if this sounds like something you'd rather not read about, I dunno, watch this instead I guess.

"This Little Light Of Mine" by Jevetta Steele
The trouble with gospel music is that I love the sound of a good choir, but simply have no idea where to find a consistent base of strong gospel songs. I might have said this before on here, but I'm a sucker for a really good vocal harmony. Dunno what it is about them, it just gets a sweet spot for me, like a good shot of blended malt on ice after a hard day's work, or a tub of ice cream after a long-arse day. And if this particular tub of ice cream I'm highlighting here had a flavour, it'd be mint choc chip, because similar to my unabashed love for mint choc chip ice cream, I have an unabashed love for this short, sweet song.

For me, the sound of a good gospel choir is a really colourful and uplifting one. I guess for me it's a kind of music that makes you feel like you're not alone, at least to me anyway.

And as for the movie this hails from, Corrina Corrina, I remember next to nothing about it except that Ray Liotta and Whoopi Goldberg make for a really odd romantic couple. I only ever watched the film because my sister liked it, and that was when I was barely 10 years old too, so asking me what I think of this film now is basically like asking me what it was like being born.

And regarding the rest of this thread, more worthwhile posts are coming up when I have a few less things to keep me busy!
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