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Old 08-20-2013, 08:58 PM   #50 (permalink)
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The other day I had John Lennon's "Imagine" LP on the turntable. This song has always really stood out to me but I never realized that it perfectly expresses my feelings toward most people I know (though this song was written for Paul McCartney).

John Lennon - "How Do You Sleep?"

I guess I'll have a little more of John in this thread while I've got time.

"Instant Karma"

Spoiler for Better get yourself together, darlin':

"Cold Turkey"

I have struggled with multiple addictions throughout my life. This song stabs me through the psyche every time.

Spoiler for Please make me well. I'll promise you anything, get me out of this hell.:

Also I just found this and I'm crying a little; I love this song and never knew John recorded it at some point.

"Be My Baby"

Spoiler for John Lennon was a pretty rotten person but he does make me swoon.:

This song will always give me shivers. In part because I feel there needs to be a revolution (it's been a long time coming, right?) but mostly because I realize the impossibility of a bunch of people giving a damn about anything.

"Power to the People"

Spoiler for Right on.:

Anyway, branching off from John, this song by the Monochrome Set has been running in and out of my head for a few days. I sort of forgot about it for a while and then it came back to me in the shower.

The Monochrome Set - "Eine Symphonie des Grauens"

Spoiler for I'm dead and dank and rotten.:

What a great voice on that lead vocalist. I don't know much about the Monochrome Set, but they're in my mental list of artists I need to get into. Speaking of which ....

A long time ago I discovered Suede. I realized the lead singer's voice had a striking similarity to Russell Mael when he was in his prime. Real quick, here's one of their best known tracks.

"Animal Nitrate"

And something I actually just discovered minutes ago but surprisingly enjoyed.

Suede - "Beautiful Ones"

Spoiler for Get a load of this stuff, man.:

Oh, what do you know? Suede has a new album this year, called "Bloodsports". I'll post it here as sort of a bookmark/note to myself to get into it later.

Suede - "Bloodsports" (FULL ALBUM)

During my temp assignment at a warehouse I was talking with this aging punker dude and loosely mentioned the creepy sound of early Human League. Anyone familiar with this track, or is everyone too afraid to listen because I said "Human League" and all of a sudden you've got visions of "Don't You Want Me"? No, seriously, listen to this. This isn't 80s cheesepop. This is grand.

This is Kraftwerk-esque. And it's cool as hell.

Human League - "Being Boiled"

Spoiler for Little people, like your offspring, boiled alive for some god's stocking.:

But if you want to hear something REALLY creepy, here's the "early version" of the song. It's much darker, and honestly, I prefer it to the polished version above. This is what I'd expect from some kind of awful horror film, and since I'm alone in the house I do think I'm going to stop listening before I become too paranoid (I made it about 52 seconds!).

"Being Boiled" (demo)

A couple more things that make my skin crawl and I can't explain why:

1) The quiet space noises at the end of this song. It makes me want to throw myself out of a damn window. It's all groovy til about 2:55 and then it's a nightmare.

Steve Miller Band - "Fly Like an Eagle"

Spoiler for 2:55-3:20 - JESUS CHRIST WHY WHY WHHHYYYYY:

2. I spent at least 20 years of my life repressing the memory of this, until I found it again some time ago. I don't know why, but it makes me just sick to my stomach. I just ... I can't. This is horrifying. I didn't even click it on youtube, I just copied the link because it just freaks me out.

Philip Glass - "Geometry of Circles"

Spoiler for This is why an entire generation of children are desperately in need of therapy:

I think that's all for me tonight. I'm heading out because this empty house is making me freak out! (I can't wait til Ki gets home.)
You and I,
We were born to die.
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