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Old 08-21-2013, 09:45 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
So, most of what I'm seeing is, while truly embarrassing, something we've all done, I'm not seeing anything like clubbing yourself with brute force over the head with a steel pipe. If nothing else I feel I'm owed some level of kudos for idiotic originality.
It takes a certain kind of special to do that Smeen. I, for one, commend you on your special-ness.

After my GF's father passed away, the whole family gathered at the home in which he lived, and they (all 7 of em) grew up. We were there to basically say goodbye one last time before they sold. So of course, there was lots of aclohol, and I normally don't touch the hard stuff, but made the really bad choice of downing some tequila shots. I had rode my bike there, thinking it would be a good idea since I knew we were all gonna get shit-faced.

Bad idea.

On my drunken bike ride home, along a very busy street, I came into contact with a paver that was part of a circle around a tree. I then proceeded to 'endo', and my face broke my fall up against said tree. I took pictures of my injuries, as well as the tree and vicinity the next day thinking that this tree and paver situation was an unnecessary hazard and someone needs to take it down, but then I thought... I was just drunk.

Just a week ago, while riding I was approaching a really nice looking woman and her meathead boyfriend. The BF decided he was gonna be a dick, and just stand his ground, which in turn made me have to veer off the sidewalk onto the grass to pass them, and when I went to get back on the sidewalk, my tire caught the edge, and down I went. The woman was in a bit of a shock at seeing this and asked me if I was ok, to which I just threw my hands up while saying "I'm fine, I'm fine", with an added "Asshole" under my breath. As I was riding away I could hear her giving the meathead a mouthful as I snickered.

Not drunk.
See location...
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