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Old 08-25-2013, 12:23 PM   #5955 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Papers, Please

Ever wonder what it's like to be a bureaucrat border guard for a Communist country? No me neither, but now you can live out that very specific experience.

You seriously play as a mid level bureaucrat sitting in a booth checking the papers of immigrants and deciding if you let them into the great country of Arstotzka. As the game progresses you have more and more levels of bureaucracy to deal with as you have to check to make sure passport issuing cities are right, official seals are correct, if the weight of the person matches their ID, if their picture matches, if they're the gender they say they are, if their passport ID is correct, etc. It creates a bit of a moral dilemma when the occasional person begs you to be let through despite not having the proper paperwork, or begs you to not "detain" them. To make matters more complicated you get paid by how many people you process in a day, and you lose money if you let people through without the proper paperwork. Most of your pay goes towards keeping your family fed, warm, and in an apartment, but you also have to contend with bribes, terrorists, and your superiors.

Easily one of the most engrossing games I've played recently, and only $10 on Steam, definitely something worth checking out.
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