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Old 08-26-2013, 07:20 PM   #61 (permalink)
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I'm not feeling very creative today so this journal entry may be boring, or it may be interesting. I don't know.

Anyway, for a while, I have been wanting to write a full out album review for Pg.lost's album, Key, but I feel like I have talked far too much about that album that I just don't think writing a review about it will have any difference in relation to anything i've said about the album previously. However, I will add to the previous thoughts i've given about it before by saying that I don't think any other album has caused me to listen to it more than once a day, and you may think that's a bit of an exaggeration, but keep in mind that I walk a lot to and from work, and it's one of the only albums that fits the setting whether it be really early in the morning, or super late at night. It's also one of those albums that I would put in a "if you could choose one album to live off of, what would it be?" list.

Onto another point, I recently did a random google search because if I really like an album, i'd like to get the copy of vinyl for collection sake, and alas...

I could say that is me holding the record, but I would by lying. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get my hands onto this yet, but I have been making it a priority in terms of music purchases to get this one. The actual record looks awesome, and I can't imagine how it would sound on vinyl, let alone the fact that it sounds amazing already. Once I get a copy of it, i'll post a picture with me in it so I can shower you all with my excitement.

Like I said, this entry isn't too exciting. I guess I could add a photo to the top of it to make it prettier.
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