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Old 08-30-2013, 06:15 PM   #2716 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: freely swimmin thru the waters of glory much like a majestic bald eagle soars thru the skies
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lord lareship - combative and always on edge. bit of a wacko. kinda like his style tho

hip hop bunny - could get his points across with soundin less crass. dont think thats a priority of his tho lol. again combative by nature and lyin about a black gf lol but i kinda like him too, i think i just like characters. call me tbs, characters welcome

burning down - i feel like when i post somethin she always wants to dispute it like if i said most women wer makeup she would list women she knows who dont. that was an example

christian beteke - appreciates the snog thread also like his posts in the eminem thread, i apologize for confusin him with maanky about eminem

death n roll - hey scotty sup man how u doin

batlord - this guy just gets it. when im up real early and i see he is online everytime i refresh new posts he has responded to a diff topic with another zinger

neo - my dude

astronomer - boring for my taste
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