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Old 09-03-2013, 02:58 PM   #5253 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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1. What was the best dream that you've ever had and can recall?

Probably closer to being scary than anything but I had a dream once where I was my dying grandpa and my family (including me) came to see me(my grandpa). As they were visiting my grandma who had been dead since I was like 2 appeared and just sat in a chair in the corner of the room and just silently looked out the window. My family apparently couldnt see her or didnt notice her. Eventually she stood up and walked out of the room and said "it's time" right before leaving. At the point my whole family was staring at me crying and then everything started to slowly turn black until there was nothing. I was still laying in bed but everything around me was black. Then a door opened few meters away from me and which cast a small light in the darkness. A hand grabbed the door from the other side and then I woke up. I was sweating and probably crying. It was one of the most emotionally intense moments of my life. This also happened about a year and a half after my grandpa died.

2. Worst nightmare?

Similar to Loathsome Pete, it was a kind of sleep paralysis deal or something. I was just laying in bed and there was a lady dressed in grey just standing staring at my tv. I couldnt move or scream i think i was just shaking and wimpering. She eventually turned around and looked at me and walked towards my bed with her arm extended but didnt touch me. I woke up or went to sleep or something and she was gone.

3. What would utopia be to you?

I donno not having to work for a living? Does that even count?

4. As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? Has it changed or are you still pursuing this goal?

Probably a pro athlete. Died pretty quickly haha

5. Which ethnic food (relative to your country) is your favourite?


6. What is your current album of the year?

Mmm probably Nepenthe by Julianna Barwick
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