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Old 09-11-2013, 05:00 AM   #18 (permalink)
gimme gimme
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I was 12 and living in Maine, so we were in the same time zone. We were in social studies class and suddenly our teacher Mr. Leighton, was dragging a TV on wheels into the room and we were all like "what?" And he said, "students, you are watching social studies in action." and we were all like "what?" again. and then when the second plane hit he was like "OH MY GOD" and we then realized that it was live TV and this was really happening, but not one of us in the room knew 1) what the WTC was 2) where it was or 3) why it was important. I remembered thinking "well there probably weren't that many people there anyway." Then tons and tons of people started coming in our room because it was apparently the only TV with cable in the school or whatever. We went for snack and told everyone in the cafeteria, but most of my friends didn't understand what I was telling them or believe me. I remember dragging my friend Grace back to Mr. Leighton's room to make her watch the footage. Then we all went to our next class and the day progressed as normal, but we weren't allowed to leave any rooms without teachers and every teacher just turned the radio on and we all sat and listened.

When I got home my mom was still in bed (she worked nights) and glued to the TV. It seemed like all the adults in my world had no interest in doing any other thing, and that puzzled me. Especially because no one really explained it to me and I was just learning about the event using social cues and the news.
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