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Old 10-20-2013, 12:38 PM   #27 (permalink)
Mr. Charlie
Shoo Thoughts
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
I had a dream about it 2 days before it happened; so I knew it was coming. Not exactly, but that's when the shrink told me I was psychic, and stopped trying to drug me into the new religion of Zombeism.

Just as in the dream I was awakened by my then wife screaming, 'OMG blankety there's been a crash. It's horrible get up!' i got up, and went down and the first crash had already happened. I was thinking, wow, that's pretty wild, but wasn't thinking anything other than it was an accident. And, then the second plane hit, and I remembered that dream! Then they said the Pentagon had been hit, and I freaked. I thought it was Armageddon! I took out of the house, went to the bank and withdrew all the savings, and emptied the checking! I left a couple CDs in there, but was going back to cash them in if things got worse.

I got back home and the buildings were still standing, but I had the feeling they were coming down, probably because of the dream. Sure enough, they went down, and the first thing I thought besides the horror was 'they didn't come down right. They were imploded' Those buildings were imploded, as I've seen implosions, and there was no doubt in my mind.

We watched CNN all day, and either later that day, or the next Bin Laden made a statement. He was reported as saying he didn't have anything to do with it, but if they wanted to give him credit, he'd take it.

And, they kept showing Bush, while he was supposedly reading a story to a class of small schoolchildren (I'm not so sure he can read, so I'm skeptical). But, they whispered to him concerning the first attack, and he went on pretending to read for seven minutes after hearing the country was under attack! And, the reports said there were approximately 10,000 people employed in the two towers. and the death toll was going to be way higher than just shy of 3000.

That day there were all kinds of survivors saying they had heard explosions, even in the basement areas. But, that was the first day, and by the next the spin began, and Bin Laden's statement disappeared.

To make a long story longer, anyone who wants to think this is some conspiracy nut go ahead. It appears most of the replies from young folks. I was 40, and I remember when they were built in 1976. Who knows? I could be wrong, but I think they might have been built to come down.

It was prophesied in 1948.

Haha. A fine post indeed.

Nostradamus kinda predicted 9/11, or at least he made references to two towers collapsing amidst fire in the 'new' city. I remember on 9/11 a guy on our flight was reading Nostradamus' book of prophecies and when he read the prophecy aloud I have to admit that, at the time, it was pretty spooky. But in hindsight, it's a vague reference that, given enough time, will likely come true a plethora of times.
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