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Old 10-21-2013, 03:07 PM   #287 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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heres a copy n paste of Oskar DIlwanger

I decided against just one image or link. I wanted to provide plenty of information about the horrendous, nigh-demonic deeds of SS-Oberführer Oskar Dirlewanger and his soldiers in the SS Special Commando Dirlewanger, who served as a terrorist unit meant to hasten the destruction of Slavic and Jewish populations in Belarus and Poland. In 1940, it had 300 men. In 1943, the Dirlewanger unit consisted of 700 men. According to Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands, the Dirlewanger unit killed at least 30,000 civilians in Belarus. This is a very conservative estimate: some speculate that the Dirlewanger unit killed four times that many civilians.

According to Snyder:
"As it inflicted its first fifteen thousand mortal casualties, the Special Commando Dirlewanger lost only ninety-two men — many of them, no doubt, to friendly fire and alcoholic accidents. A ratio such as that was possible only when the victims were unarmed civilians."
As for the brutality which Dirlewanger personally unleashed on the civilians of Belarus:
Atrocities committed by Dirlewanger included injecting strychnine into young Jewish female prisoners, previously undressed and whipped, to watch them convulse to death in front of him and his friends for entertainment. (from the Wikipedia page on Oskar Dirlewanger)
During the destruction of Warsaw ordered by Heinrich Himmler, the Dirlewanger unit spearheaded a wave of absolute terror known as the Wola massacre, wherein they and their fellow SS men killed 40,000 civilians. In two days.
40,000 civilians. 48 hours. That's about 1,660 people an hour, and only assuming that the Dirlewanger unit did not sleep (which is possible: contemporary accounts describe Dirlewanger and his men as being incorrigible drug addicts). Just shy of 2,600 civilians died in the collapse of the Twin Towers in NYC. Try to imagine 9/11 being repeated about 15 times over, consecutively, and being committed not with airplanes, but with bullets, rifle butts, and bayonets.

Here's a description of some of the things that Dirlewanger's men did to Warsaw's civilians, which I have taken from the Wikipedia pages about the Wola massacre and about the Dirlewanger unit:

"After the door of the building was blown off – Schenck testified – we saw a daycare-full of small children, around 500; all with small hands in the air. Even Dirlewanger's own people called him a butcher; he ordered to kill them all. The shots were fired, but he requested his men to save the ammo and finish them off by rifle-butts and bayonets. Blood and brain matter flowed in streams down the stairs." Mathias Schenk (a sapper from Wehrmacht) testified seeing a Dirlewanger man raping a girl while wielding a knife, and than cutting her wide open along the entire length of her torso after ejaculation.

In the same Wola district, Dirlewanger burned three hospitals with patients inside, while the nurses were "whipped, gang-raped and finally hanged naked, together with the doctors" to the accompaniment of music.
Favoured tactics of the Dirlewanger men during the siege reportedly included the ubiquitous gang rape of female Poles, both women and children; playing "bayonet catch" with live babies; and torturing captives to death by hacking off their arms, dousing them with gasoline, and setting them alight to run armless and flaming down the street.
According to "Bloodlands", the rate of civilian-to-comb

atant casualties during the Wola massacre was more than a thousand to one.
The fate of Oskar Dirlewanger is somewhat unclear, but it seems that he was beaten to death by Polish prison guards on 7 June, 1945. He died with the blood of at least 70,000 women, children, and elderly on his hands.
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