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Old 10-23-2013, 08:45 PM   #2844 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
That's the thing though with how much technology we have nowadays you don't have to be sitting down behind a computer screen all day. You can be connected to the online world at all times with mobile devices and tablets. It's a non-issue. You can be out and about enjoying life and check on things online while out in the world.
I assumed, that to even the least perceptive people I've ever come across, the concept would naturally and obviously extend to any form of reliance on online "virtual" pursuits versus the world happening around them and their participation in it. Specifically, in the sense that the problem is one specific website versus a general reliance.

The fact that I need to even spell that out for the sake of having included the word "computer screen" leads me to believe you either know what I meant and are trolling, or don't know what I meant and somehow have ended up with less ability than the least perceptive people I've ever come across.

No offense or anything.
I might just be hanging out with geniuses and am a genius myself. Feel free to calculate those odds.
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