Music Banter - View Single Post - Why America Is Better than All Your ****hole Countries
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Old 11-04-2013, 07:20 PM   #17 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I agree. Batlord is now king of the Mega-Trolls!

That said....

America is a mongrel country. If it wasn't for all us Europeans there'd be nobody in the US of A, apart from the Native Americans. So unless you have NA blood in ya don't cry to me about Europeans! Europeans BUILT America. Boston has something like the highest percentage of Irish outside of the home country, and we Irish built your ****ing railroad, so without us you'd still be crossing the wide American plains in frigging horsecarts!

Also, we tricked you into supporting our little "Civil war" in the North. Ever hear of a thing called Noraid? No, not Norad, dumbass! Noraid! Aid to the IRA from American interests. Hah! Gotcha!

Finally, if anyone are descendants of true Metalheads it's us Irish. We were settled --- conquered, if you will --- by the Vikings, and there's nobody more, ahem, bitchin than the Vikings!

Ireland rules!
Moderator cut: image removed
(Hell, you know what? I went looking for pictures of the Irish flag to post but somehow this came up, and I thought sure I'd much rather post that!)
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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