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Old 11-07-2013, 03:43 PM   #400 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Twitter is fun for me because Facebook is pretty much boiled down to my liked pages sending links to different news stories and different articles. I could get them in a much more concentrated place on twitter. I only started using Twitter for a contest as well but I lost that one. I also wanted to set up a Twitter account for the community group that I'm a part of since I handle all of the social media stuff for the group.

There are some famous people that post pretty funny tweets.

It's not invasion of privacy when you are sharing said information but they do have legal clauses where they aren't suppose to share certain information. If you like in the TOS of those sites when you join them instead of just clicking accept you will find that information.
I enjoy a few twitter pages. I really dig Steve Martin's and a few other comedians. Its nice to see a different side to people.
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