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Old 11-15-2013, 08:16 PM   #9 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Originally Posted by RL Clown View Post
My Asian parents are only satisfied when I bring home A grades. They will not tolerate B's, C's, or anything that is lower. When I bring home a C, my parents act as if I have just committed a crime.
And that makes your parents different because....

I understand that my parents put a roof over my head and they give me food. To a degree, I owe them (no kidding). But if you had parents who constantly told you that you have to get an A in every course, wouldn't you find this irritating?
So they're supposed to tell you it's ok not to do your best in every class. "Sure, son, you can slack off in some classes but not most of them." Are you seriously expecting to hear that? And if you ever do hear your parents say that--TRADE THEM IN AND GET NEW ONES!

Besides, I have already paid my parents back... I mow the lawn, I shovel the snow, I prepare the table for dinner almost everyday. I have received some A's in Accounting and Business courses. But for some reason, to a degree, my parents act as if I am never good enough for them.
So you've paid them back and that means you don't have to do well in school?? Can you clarify this a little better?? Apparently, the finer points of your argument slipping past me.

I know that there are some exceptions... There are some Asian parents who are very tolerant and permissive... They allow their sons/daughters to go to the movies and hang out with their friends. But generally speaking, when I look at first generation Asian immigrant parents, I find that they are very conservative. Again, why do Asian parents demand so much from their sons/daughters?
I'll answer that with this quote from Wiki:
Recent U.S. Census Bureau publications indicate a strong correlation between race and affluence. In the top household income quintile, households with incomes exceeding $91,200, Asian Americans and Whites were overrepresented, whereas Hispanics and African Americans were underrepresented. The household income for Asian Americans was, at $61,094, by far the highest,[28] exceeding that of Whites ($48,554) by 26%.[29] Over a quarter, 27.5%, of Asian American households had incomes exceeding $100,000, and another 40% had incomes of over $75,000.[30]

I guess that answers that.

Let's look at the excuse... "Asian parents came from countries where life was really hard... In these countries, human beings were used. Human beings were sold. Human beings were exploited." But black people and latinos also come from developing countries. Black people and latinos are a lot more permissive than Asian parents. (Generally speaking, it's true.)
Please see the above quote from Wiki.

I am not saying that Asian parents are evil. However there are times when I think that they are too conservative. I think that I am speaking for millions of Asian children... Asian parents need to change their way of thinking. They need to become more tolerant. They need to allow their sons/daughters to have a social life. Academic grades are important, no kidding. But there is a lot more to life than just academic grades.
When you're living in my house and/or going to school on my ticket, you can have a social life when you graduate (preferably with honors) and move out. I mean, if having a social life interferes with your ability to study and get good grades then you're not having a social life that I'm going to pay for.

What is your opinion on this issue? I would like to hear from Asians and Non-asians.
You just did.
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