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Old 11-17-2013, 01:03 PM   #521 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
Understandable though. You train for god knows how many years to become a doctor, give up your new year's eve to help your fellow man, and end up dealing with with idiots on drugs. It's funny.
Not really, Doctors take a thing called the Hippocratic Oath

It's really disgusting to me, especially being that addiction is a disease (not saying he's an addict obviously) but still.

When I was treated for the drug-induced parkinsons I developed in 2007, it was originally thought to be because of my opiate dependence but I was never treated that way by any of the doctors I dealt with and they were all very caring and compassionate towards me, the only thing even negative that was said to me was when I complained about how much this sucks one of the doctors told me "yeah well that happens when you mess with drugs :/" Turned out to be that it wasn't my opiate dependence but the medication I was put on for my bipolar disorder, LOL
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